Duroya Picture Collection

The Duroya Picture Collection

Property of The Keeshond Club Archives

Mrs Audrey Woodiwiss 1910 – 2008


Mrs Woodiwiss founded the Duroya Kennel in 1945 with Old English Sheepdogs and her affix was an amalgamation of her name Audrey with her husband’s Roy.

A Keeshond from the Wistonia Kennel was added in 1955, Aspiration of Duroya was whelped in 1956 & it was from the Keeshond breed fancy that Duroya grew in fame both at home & overseas.

Audrey Woodiwiss bred & owned the well known Commandant of Duroya, a grandson of Int. Ch. Wrocky of Wistonia, one that Audrey had always admired.

Sired by Ch. Kester of Wendees, Commandant was also a fine dog though dark by today’s fashion. He sired 12 English champions & at least seven more overseas champions from stock exported from England & his record still stands.

He was never keen on the show ring & this is demonstrated clearly in one of the pictures; while standing in a line up with some fine contenders of his day, his entire concentration is fixed on the biscuit he has spotted on the floor!

Duroya was top Keeshond Kennel in 1964, 1968, 1977, 1979 & 1982 & also held the Norton Rose Bowl in 1964 & 1968. By 1976 in her 21st year of showing Keeshonds Audrey Woodiwiss had launched nine generations of championship show winners & bred or owned 19 champions.

The following quotation expresses the views of Mrs Woodiwiss on the breeding of Keeshond puppies.

“I always consider the faults and virtues of the grandparents as these can contribute to hereditary faults of structure. Puppies from well constructed parents should be born with the potential to become well made adults”.

Fashions change, but the Duroya Keeshonds were indeed typical, sound & sensible dogs of good temperament; they made loyal companions & won many top honours in the show ring. Those who were privileged to own a Duroya were indeed fortunate & Audrey Woodiwiss was generous with help & advice if needed.

Mrs Woodiwiss was President of The Keeshond Club, awarded Challenge Certificates in the Breed & was also editor of the club newsletter for a number of years. She kindly gave her Duroya archives collection to the Club in 1997.

It consists of a variable selection of photos and as Audrey observed to us when she handed her treasured collection over, “ Show dog or not, they’re all pets”. These are the pictures that Audrey was fond of & her distinctive Duroya type may be traced through the line from start to finish.

The Keeshond Club Archives section acknowledges with thanks the excellent co-operation received from Duroya owners also Mrs Willbie nee Sally Anne Thompson, Steve Dworkin’s Pedigree database, Deb Parry, Elizabeth Howard, Ron Parkes, Dog World, Our Dogs, The Kennel Club Picture Library & the Club’s long suffering former Webmaster Mick Pattison.

Enjoy this selection!

Norma Barnes
Former Club Archivist

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