Why become a member of The Keeshond Club
Membership of the Keeshond Club is open to all Keeshond owners and entitles you to:
- A copy of the biennial Keeshond Club Handbook
- A copy of the Keeshond Club Rule Book
- Full Keeshond Club voting rights
- Compete for all Keeshond Club Trophies
- Your own page in the Keeshond Club Members Gallery
- Twice yearly newsletter
Applying for Keeshond Club Membership
Full instructions on how to apply for your Keeshond Club Membership and/or your Page in the Member’s Gallery can be found on the respective application forms, which can be printed from here:
Membership Application UK
Overseas Membership Application Form
Web Page Application Form
Download Adobe Reader
- What is the Member’s Gallery?
The Member’s Gallery is an area of the Keeshond Club’s web site which has been set aside for the exclusive use of Club member’s who do not maintain their own web site. - Why should I want a page in the Member’s Gallery?
Having a page in the Member’s Gallery will provide you with the facility whereby you will be able to inform all visitors to your page of your show achievements, breeding programme or simply your love of the Keeshond. - As a member of the Keeshond Club, why do I have to apply for a page in the Member’s Gallery?
Irrespective of membership status completion of the Keeshond Club form ‘Application for a Page in the Member’s Gallery’ is required for the following reasons: -
- Data Protection Act
It allows you to dictate and be responsible for what personal information is published on your page within the Keeshond Club’s web site. - Copyright
It confirms that you are the owner of any photographs submitted for inclusion on your page, or that you have obtained the permission from the owner to use them.
- Data Protection Act