2017 October Open Show

Roade Village Hall

14th October 2017

Judge Michelle Wright  – Special Awards – Ian Page

Best in Show Byquy Workin Boots Peck and Matthews
Reserve Best in Show Neradmik Grace Kelly Sharp-Bale
Best Opposite Sex Neradmik Grace Kelly Sharp-Bale
Best Dog Byquy Workin Boots Peck and Matthews
Best Bitch Neradmik Grace Kelly Sharp-Bale
Best Puppy Eastkees Sparkling Angel Pattison
Best Veteran Ir Ch Kichigai Rare Edition at Murmansk Ir Jun Ch Divers



1 Minor Puppy Dog – 0    
2 Puppy Dog – 0    
3 Junior Dog – 5 (1)




1 –  Szaryk Dutch Bargemaster With Valindale

2 – Zandvoort Mr Bond

3 – Bargeway Viking Warrior

Res – Samoykees Fly Me To The Moon

Matthews and Ransley




4 Special Yearling Dog – 0    
5 Novice Dog – 0    
6 Post Graduate Dog – 4  1 – Zandvoort Purrsonal Life (AI)

2 – Mezanda Master of Secrets at Druitz

3 – Brykin Big Chief

Res – Bargeway Point Blank





7 Limit Dog – 4  1 – Byquy Workin Boots

2 – Neradmik Kiss Chase With Lekkerbek

3 – Mezanda Merry Starshower (AI)

Res – Leazehond Lightning Bolt

Peck and Matthews

Miles and Dean



8 Open Dog – 3  1 – Byquy Rich Gent

2 – Kichigai Only the Lonley



9 Veteran Dog – 4  1 – Plymkees First Edition Sh CM

2 – Zandvoort Dream Stone

3 – Helkeesen Surfin at Dakaraikees




10 Breeder’s Dog – 4  1 – Mezanda Madog’s Storm

2 – Plymkees Cool Dude Sh CM

3 – Leazehond Lightning Bolt




11 Not Bred by Exhibitor Dog – 4  1 – Neradmik Kiss Chase With Lekkerbek

2 – Neradmik Help The Hero at Maldine 

3 – Mezanda Master of Secrets at Druitz

Res – Bargeway Point Blank

Miles and Dean





12 Minor Puppy Bitch – 2 1 –  Eastkees Sparkling Diamond

2 – Wolfwinkel Maria Ogren at Leazehond



13 Puppy Bitch – 4  1 – Eastkees Sparkling Diamond

2 – Gineter Christmas Angel

3 – Bargeway Virtual Angel

Res – Lilli Marlina




Axford and Sherwood

14 Junior Bitch – 3  1 – Neradmik Grace Kelly

2 – Neradmik Vanilla Ice Morvania

3 – Dakaraikees Silver Charm



Wilkes Clarke and Peck

15 Special Yearling Bitch – 3  1 – Nerradmik Vanilla Ice Morvania

2 – Byquy Kinky Boots at Keitakees

3 – Bargeway That’s my Girl


Redler and Wheatley


16 Novice Bitch – 3  1 – Wolfwinkel Maria Ogren at Leazehond

2 – Bargeway Sweet Revenge

3 –




17 Post Graduate Bitch – 5  1 – Leazehond Picotee Pink

2 – Torrikees Made in Heaven at Devonia

3 – Mezanda Melys Sparkles (AI)

Res – Amikirs Bucks Fizz of Almraglic

Skillet and Handley




18 Limit Bitch – 5  1 – Neradmik Dear Darling of Whitchakees

2 – Keitakees Asleep in the Back

3 – Whizzkees Ebony Sinders JW

Res – Allforus Tangfastic Foxifayre


Redler and Wheatley


Henman and Collins

19 Open Bitch – 4 (4)    
20 Veteran Bitch – 7  1 – Ir. Ch. Kichigai Rare Edition at Murmansk Ir. Jun. Ch.

2 – Ch Whizzkees Silver Slipper

3 – Amikirs Amour




21 Breeder’s Bitch – 3  1 – Ch Kichigai Magic Dancer JW

2 – Mezanda Melys Sparkles (AI)



22 Not Bred by Exhibitor Bitch – 5  1 – Leazehond Picotee Pink 

2 – Waatan Gleditsia (Imp Fin)

3 – Bargeway Virtual Angel

Skillet and Handley



23 Brace    

Critique for the Open Show


Thank you to all the hard working committee members and exhibitors for giving a lovely entry and allowing me this opportunity to judge The Keeshond Club Open Show. I was made to feel very welcome by everyone and thoroughly enjoyed my appointment.  Thank you also to the two ring stewards.  There were many positives in relation to the breed standard, however movement was an issue in some classes and not all eyes are as dark as they could be.  My main winners excelled in conformation and movement.

PD 0

JD 5(1)
1. Matthews & Ransley’s Szaryk Dutch Bargemaster with Valindale-short, compact, well ribbed body.  Lovely dark eye.  Good front.  Straight fore and aft, moved with drive and purpose.  Lovely markings and clear coat.  Tight cat like feet and strong rear pasterns.  Unfortunately in the dog challenge his mind was elsewhere.
2. Brunt’s Zandvoort Mr Bond-high set tail with double curl.  Well placed ears and lay of shoulder.good cat like feet.
3. Tew’s Bargeway Viking Warrior-Fox like head with dark muzzle and nice dark eye.  Well defined markings and coat in good condition.

ND 0

PGD 4(0)
1. Brunt’s Zandvoort Purrsonal Life (AI)-clear coat, markings and texture in excellent condition.  Correct ivy shaped ears and lovely almond eyes.  Very compact boy with brisk and sharp movement.RBD
2. Williams’ Mezanda Master of Secrets at Druitz- liked his length of neck and lay of shoulder.high set tail.preferred front pasterns of 1.
3. Waller’s Brykin Big Chief-good spring of rib;short loin.Colour not as clear as 1&2.

LD 4(0)
1. Peck & Matthews’ Byquy Workin Boots-typical breed standard.  Level top line, sound movement and good construction.  Masculine head, good reach of neck, well laid shoulder, good breadth of brisket and strong loin.   Showed his “boots” off without a doubt. BD/BIS
2. Miles & Dean’s Neradmik Kiss Chase With Lekkerbek- well proportioned body. Coat coming back but softer than 1. Good reach of neck.  Alert with handler at all times.
3. Lindsay’s Merry Starshower (AI)-muscled hindquarters.coat harsh and off standing.did not have the “oomph” as much as the other two today.moved ok.

OD 3(1)
1. Bennett’s Byquy Rich Gent- Good head proportions, expressive spectacles.  Four square;Level topline. Moved well.
2. Hickson’s Only The Lonley-Smart, confident looking boy. Dark ivy-shaped ears well set on; good reach of neck. Colour and markings well defined, coat harsh and straight. High set tail.  Unfortunately he did not move well today.

VD 4(1)
1. Wilkin’s Ch Pommary Quick Silver at Whizzkees-head and muzzle in good proportions.good movement fore and aft.tight highly set tail.good spring of rib and short loin.would prefer a darker eye.
2. Bennett’s Zandvoort Dream Stone-good clear markings.nice dark eye.straight hind legs and good hock angulation. Movement not as purposeful as 1.
3. Wilkes’ Helkeesen Surfin’ at Dakaraikees-lovely dark jacket.small ivy shaped ears.unfortunately rear movement was lacking today.

BD 4(1)
1. Lindsay’s Mezanda Madog’s Storm-good reach of neck and level topline.short and strong loin.moved well.would prefer a darker eye.
2. Hill’s Plymkees Cool Dude ShCM-longer than 1.good colour of eye.good depth of brisket.tight cat like feet.moved with enthusiasm.
3. Newman’s Leazehond Lightning Bolt-friendly boy.short in muzzle and depth of stop long.high set tail curled well over back.coat in good condition.

NBBED 4(0)
1. Miles & Dean’s Neradmik Kiss Chase With Lekkerbek
2. Andrew’s Neradmik Help The Hero at Maldine-well proportioned head.good lay of neck.highly set tail.preferred markings of 1.moved ok.
3. Williams’ Mezanda Master of Secrets at Druitz

MPB 2(0)
1. Pattison’s Eastkees Sparkling Diamond-what a cracker who thoroughly enjoyed her day in the ring.  Straight front, four square with true and clear movement. Markings at present coming through nicely.BP
2. Newman’s Wolfwinkel Maria Ogren at Leazehond- smaller than 1.compact, nice lay of shoulder.good movement.

PB 4(0)
1. Pattison’s Eastkees Sparkling Diamond
2. Shreeve’s Ginger Christmas Angel-very feminine and pretty bitch with dark muzzle.good front and reach of neck.well defined and clear markings.moved well.
3. Bowden-Roche’s Bargeway Virtual Angel-lovely natured girl. strong foreleg and front pasterns.movement better towards than away.

JB 3(0)
1. Sharp-Bale’s Neradmik Grace Kelly-liked this lady’s dark eye with small velvety ears.coat in excellent condition.good front with sufficient bone. Nice lay of shoulder, good depth of brisket and short loin.high set tail.good hock angulation.moved well.BB/BOS
2. White’s Neradmik Vanilla Ice at Morvania-lovely head and expression.good colour and markings.strong pasterns.moved ok.
3. Wilkes Clarke and Peck’s Dakaraikees Silver Charm-lovely fox like head, good length of muzzle and reach of neck.longer than 1&2.eyes lighter.

SYB 3(0)
1. White’s Neradmik Vanilla Ice Morvania
2. Redler & Wheatley’s Byquy Kinky Boots at Keitakees-well defined spectacles.nice head and expression.
3. Waller’s Bargeway That’s My Girl-

NB 3(1)

1. Newman’s Wolfswinkel Maria Ogren at Leazehond (AI)
2. Bowden-Roche & Bowden’s Bargeway Sweet Revenge-pretty head with good proportions.well defined spectacles and such a lovely natured bitch.high set tail covered over back.preferred movement of 1.

PGB 5(1)
1. Skillett & Handley’s Leazehond Picote Pink-best mover in this class today.clear markings.straight hindlegs.good spring of rib and short loin.
2. Marshall’s Torrikees Made in Heaven at Devonia-nice head.moved ok.
3. Lindsay’s Mezanda Melys Sparkles (AI)-correct ear size and nice front.lighter in face.could easily change positions.

LB 6(2)
1. White’s Neradmik Dear Darling of Whitchakees-Good size.moved soundly.profuse coat
2. Redler & Wheatley’s Keitakees Asleep in the Back-well muscled girl.compact.nice head and eye.
3. Wilkin’s Whizzkees Ebony Sinders JW-could definitely move places on another day.good head proportions.clear markings.moved ok.

OB 3(3)

VB 7(4)
1. Divers’ Ir Ch Kichigai Rare Edition at Murmansk IrJunCh-Feminine head, good lay of shoulder.  Coat dense and profuse in the correct places.  Tight cat like feet.  Nearly 8 years young who was determined to show us how to move straight and true-in great spirits!BVIS
2. Wilkin’s Ch Whizzkees Silver Slipper-our oldest lady in this class. slightly larger bitch with lighter colouring.nice head and expression.appeared to enjoy her class by telling us all!moved ok.
3. Harding’s Amikirs Amour-longer in length.correct shaped eye.profuse coat and high set tail.

BB 3(1)
1. Hickson’s Ch Kichigai Magic Dancer JW -very pretty well proportioned head. Dark eyes and neat ivy shaped ears. Large ruff and clear coat markings of correct texture. Well feathered,  highly set tail.  Short and compact body with good spring of rib.Moved well.RBB
2. Lindsay’s Mezanda Melys Sparkles (AI)

NBBEB 5(2)
1. Skillett & Handley’s Leazehond Picote Pink
2. Brunt’s Waatan Gleditsia (Imp Fin)-loved her colour and markings.good movement.slightly longer than 1.
3. Bowden-Roche & Bowden’s Bargeway Virtual Angel

Critique for the Special Awards

A massive thank you to the committee for the warm welcome and for inviting me to judge this lovely breed.

Special yearling
1. Sharp-Bale’s Neradmik Grace Kelly – attractive head with dark muzzle and eyes.  Defined spectacles, well proportioned with good outline, high set tail and carried well.  Clear Marking and colour.  Excelled on the move.
2. Redler and Wheatley’s Byquy Kinky Boots at Keitakees – Good head and muzzle.  Nice outline, clear markings and colour.  Preferred movement on 1.
 3. Axford’s Lilli Marlina – decent type.  Nice head movement erratic today.
Special limit
lovely class to go over
1 Marshall’s Torrikees Made in heaven at Devonia Attractive head and eyes.  Clear marking and colour coat which was in excellent condition.  Tail set correct.  Moved well up and down.
2. Miles’ Neradmik Kiss chase with Lekkerbek Good head and expression.  Good tail set and clear coat.  Balanced in outline but not so good on the move as 1.
3.  Lindsay’s Mezanda Melys Sparkles Well proportioned,Good outline and coat.  Moved okay.
Special open
1. Brunt’s Zandvoort Purrsonal Life.  Delightful head and muzzle with dark eyes. Nice outline with correct tail set.  Clear marking and colour in good condition.  Firm Body.  Won on movement.
2. Hickson’s Kichigai’s Only the Lonley good head and dark eyes. Clear markings.  Nice overall balance but not as true on the move as 1.
3. Wilkes’ Helkeesen Surfin at Dakaraikees.  Good proportioned head with nice outline.  Not moving well today. 
Ian Page


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