The prizes for the winners, thank you to all the sponsors.
NB All photos are copyright – if you would like a copy a donation is required towards the 2025 fund. Contact the club secretary.
Dog of the Year
It was a great privilege to be invited to judge the DOTY 2019 – 2021. Thank you to the Keeshond Club Committee, stewards and others who worked behind the scenes who made the event and special lunch run so smoothly, I thought everything was superb.
The exhibits were all extremely well presented and in good condition. Some were particularly excited and exuberant which was lovely to see, they were clearly enjoying themselves and this is totally understandable given for the past two years they too have experienced lockdowns. All dogs were a credit to their owners.

Left – DOTY Ch Neradmik Kiss Chase With Lekkerbek. Right – Reserve DOTY Kwajongen He’s A Dandy Byquy
No. 19 Ch Neradmik Kiss Chase With Lekkerbek
Good size, masculine dog with a striking profile. He had a great show presence and was a brisk, flowing, and confident mover, straight in front and rear. His head is well proportioned, and wedge shaped. Eyes dark and almond shaped, and correctly positioned with clear spectacle markings. Neat ears, well set. He has an excellent reach of neck, spring of rib and correctly set shoulders and rear quarters. Overall, he has strong bone, short coupled and carries his tail high which completes the lovely outline. His catlike feet are just exquisite. Coat was correct colour texture and quantity. An excellent winner, he typifies everything a Keeshond should be.
No. 14 Kwajongen He’s A Dandy Byquy
Lovely dog with many features to like. Compact profile and striking overall presentation. He was a little exuberant on the move but nevertheless sound. His head was correct wedge shape and well proportioned. Small, neat ears. Clear spectacle markings, however, muzzle could do with being darker. I believe he may have been a little out of coat so I hope his colour definition will improve. His coat was of correct texture. Well-constructed; good spring of rib, correct shoulders and rear quarters. Catlike feet. Really nice balance to his shape and profile with high set tail.
Puppy of the Year

Left- POTY Divnyi Drug Dar (IMP RUS) Right Reserve POTY Neradmik Tantrums And Tiaras
No. 29 Divnyi Drug Dar (IMP RUS)
Striking dog with notable assets being his typical Keeshond head and expression and his super colour. He moved well, straight in front and rear. Alert expression, muzzle in correct proportion with skull. Eyes of correct shape, colour and set. Clearly defined spectacle markings. Well placed, neat ears. Balanced profile with good reach of neck and high set tail, carried well. Strong in front and rear construction. Catlike feet. As close to typical as I have seen for coat colour, markings, and texture.
No. 30 Neradmik Tantrums And Tiaras
Pretty female with an abundance of typical Keeshond characteristics. Balanced profile which was maintained on the move. Brisk and confident movement. Wedge shaped head in correct proportion. Sweet expression, with dark, almond shaped eyes set correctly. Small, neat ears. Feminine yet soundly constructed and of good size. Front and rear quarters were of correct conformation. High set tail and good reach of neck, completing an excellent outline. Coat of correct colour and texture, with clear contrasts.
Veteran of the Year

Left – VOTY Ch Rossvale’s Legacy for Lekkerbek. Right – Lacetrom Cruivie ShCM VW
No 40. Ch Rossvale’s Legacy for Lekkerbek
Super dog with excellent characteristics typical of the breed. He has a short compact body with nice outline. Went well on the move in front and rear. He has a fox-like expression with a well-proportioned wedge-shaped head. Dark eyes with clear facial markings. Well set neat ears. Nicely constructed in shoulder and rear quarters with sound and sturdy bone. Good reach of neck with high set, tightly curled tail, completing his excellent outline. Short coupled. Excellent coat with nice dark contrasts. Super catlike feet completing his outstanding quality.
No. 36 Lacetrom Cruivie ShCM VW
Fantastic for her age of 12 and a half. Seasoned performer and showed well. She had a nice brisk flow to her movement. Excellent alert expression. Well-proportioned wedge-shaped head. Dark eyes, set correctly. Well placed ears. Strongly formed front and rear construction, short in the back with high tail set giving a nice balanced outline. Coat of correct colour, texture and contrast, with typical dark markings. She was a pleasure to go over and did not stop showing for her handler.
DOTY Judge Laura Newman

Keeshond Club President Beryl Henman viewing the food ready for the buffet luncheon.