Results of Open Show held on 27th January 2024 at Roade Village Hall.
Judge Mhaira Aikman
BEST IN SHOW: Ch Keitakees You Are My World
RES BEST IN SHOW: Ch Kichigai Only The Lonely
BEST OPPOSITE SEX: Ch Kichigai Only The Lonely
BEST VETERAN IN SHOW: Ch Kichigai Only The Lonely
BEST PUPPY IN SHOW: Zandvoort Grace’s Secret
BEST OPPOSITE SEX PUPPY: Devonia’s Love Wil Find A Way For Manzankees
Minor Puppy Dog (0 entries)
Puppy Dog (1 entry)
1. Devonia’s Love Wil Find A Way For Manzankees (BEST PUPPY DOG)
Junior Dog (1 entry)
1. Watermyth Jewel Of The Nest
Special Yearling Dog (2 entries)
(awaiting photo)
1. Winklestar Deneb At Valindale
2. Dianakees Inspector Morse At Esorkees
Novice Dog (0 entries)
Post Graduate Dog (1 entry)
1. Keitakees Small Town Boy With Manzankees
Limit Dog (2 entries, 1 absent)
1. Shelderon Stemmig Sage With Tykees
Open Dog (6 entries)
1. Ch Keitakees To Love Somebody At Byquy (RESERVE BEST DOG)
2. Arabesque At Devonia (Imp Rus)
3. Divnyi Drug Dar (Imp Rus)
4. Ch Neradmik Kiss Chase With Lekkerbek
5. Rossvale Endeavour To Esorkees
Veteran Dog (3 entries)
1. Ch Kichigai Only The Lonely (BEST DOG, BEST VETERAN DOG)
2. Ch Rossvale’s Legacy For lekkerbek
3. Byquy Rich Gent
Minor Puppy Bitch (1 entry)
1. Amikirs Pritti
Puppy Bitch (4 entries, 1 absent)
1. Zandvoort Grace’s Secret (BEST PUPPY BITCH)
2. Devonia’s Hakuna Matata
3. Tykees Soul Searching
Junior Bitch (2 entries, 1 absent)
1. Tykees Soul Searching
Special Yearling Bitch (1 entry, 1 absent)
Novice Bitch (1 entry)
1. Zandvoort Grace’s Secret
Post Graduate Bitch (2 entries, 1 absent)
(awaiting photo)
1. Tykees We Go Solo
Limit Bitch (2 entries)\
1. Tykees Full Of Chaos
2. Tykees It’s just A Phase
Open Bitch (4 entries)

Ch Keitakees You Are My World
1. Ch Keitakees You Are My World (BEST BITCH)
2. Ch Amikirs Lovealicious JW
3. Ch Kichigai’s Uptown Girl
4. Ch Winklestar Aurora At Valindale JW
Veteran Bitch (3 entries, 2 absent)
(awaiting photo)
1. Torrikees Made In Heaven At Devonia (RESERVE BEST BITCH, BEST VETERAN BITCH)
The Keeshond Club, 27/01/24
My thanks to the Club’s hard-working team and exhibitors for a thoroughly enjoyable day. This my first breed club appointment in Keeshonden felt very special, as it was the breed which introduced my family to the world of show dogs back in the mid‘70s. I found some beautiful typey examples, and found myself smiling at the reminder of just how delightfully challenging to show their typical Spitz character can make them!
MPD: No entries. PD(1): 1 Gardner’s Devonia’s Love Wil Find A Way for Manzanakees, 10 months, nice size, well shaped head, used ears well, lovely balanced outline, nice neck, good ribs, lovely tight cat feet, profuse coat of good texture, super movement, dark eye but could be more almond. BPD. JD(1): 1 Axford & Sherwood’s Watermyth Jewel of the Nest, pleasing outline, nice expression, well shaped eye but prefer a shade darker. Super coat with constrast, good body, moved well. Feet could be tighter. YD(2): 1 Lee & Matthews’ Winklestar Deneb at Valindale, good outline, well balanced, good wedge head, lovely eye shape but prefer a little darker. Gorgeous coat & feet, super ears, good tail; 2 Rose’s Dianakees Inspector Morse at Esorkees, super eye for shape & colour, good ears. Profuse coat, good tail.Expression could be foxier. ND: No entries. PGD(1): 1 Gardner’s Keitakees Small Town Boy with Manzanakees, attractive expression, nice ears, dark eye ideally more almond. Lovely feet although pasterns a little soft. Profuse coat. LD(2, 1 absent): 1 Church’s Shelderon Stemmig Sage with Tykees, nice head proportions, Lovely feet, good texture coat, good front & ribs, nice tail, moved well. Could be more compact. OD(6,1): 1 Peck & Matthews’ Ch Keitakees To Love Somebody at Byquy, fabulous size, compact, lovely head & expression, good ears, lovely eye shape. Good construction, cat feet, good coat texture & colour, moved well. RBD; 2 Marshall’s Arabesque at Devona (imp Rus), pushed 1 hard, good head, darker eye than 1 but could be more almond. Super shape, compact, lovely feet, good tail; 3 Brunt’s Divnyi Drug Dar (imp Rus), good overall type & balance, lovely eye shape & colour, good expression, profuse coat, good constrast. Nice feet but turning out a touch. VD(3): 1 Hickson’s Ch Kichigai Only the Lonely, 8 years, good balance & outline, super feet & pasterns, wedge head with good expression, dark well shaped eye, good ears, lovely body & mover here but a little wayward in BIS challenge. BD, BOS & RBIS; 2 Miles, Cullen & Brown’s Ch Rossvale’s Legacy for Lekkerbek, 11 years, showed so well, good teeth, lovely feet, moved well. Dark eye, could be more almond but probably due to aging; 3 Bennett’s Byquy Rich Gent, nice outline, good texture coat, super tail, good ears when used, good shape, nice expression.
MPB(1): 1 Gregory’s Amikirs Pritti, 6 months 3 days but full of confidence, nice outline, lovely feet, nice head, dark almond eye, good ears. PB(4,1): 1 Brunt’s Zandvoort Grace’s Secret, really super compact outline, fabulous head & pencilling, gorgeous feet, moved well. BPB, BPIS; 2 Marshall’s Devonia’s Hakuna Matata, fabulous head, eye dark although prefer more almond. Feet could be better. Good tail, coat texture & markings; 3 Church’s Tykees Soul Searching, really fabulous head, best of eyes, excellent tail. Would like more chest & tighter feet. JB(2,1): 1 T Soul Searching. YB(1): Absent. NB(1): 1 Z Grace’s Secret. PGB(2,1): 1 Church’s Tykees We Go Solo, nice head shape. Good eye colour but prefer more almond. Nice mover, good coat texture. LB(2): Two nice girls. 1 Johnston’s Tykees Full of Chaos, gorgeous head, nice eye & ears, foxy expression, nice ears & tail. Feet could be better; 2 Church’s Tykees It’s Just A Phase, lots to like, but out of coat which also maybe affected darkness of muzzle. Nice mover. OB(4): 1 Redler & Wheatley’s Ch Keitakees You Are My World, lovely bitch, good shape & size, lovely head, super ears, nice eye of good colour, neatest of feet, moved beautifully, excellent coat in texture, condition & colour. BB, BIS & litter sister to RBD; 2 Gregory’s Ch Amikirs Lovealicious JW, pushed 1 hard, lovely balance, nice outline, lovely head & eye, nice feet, good coat; 3 Hickson’s Ch Kichigai’s Uptown Girl, nice feet, good size & balance, moved well, good ears. Head not quite the foxiness of 1 & 2 for me. A super class. VB(3,2): 1 Marshall’s Torrikees Made In Heaven at Devonia, attractive head, dark eye, lovely ears of good size, nice feet, good construction, lovely tail, moved well. RBB.
Judge, Mhairi Aikman
BEST IN SHOW – Open Show January 2024
Judge Mhaira Aikman with Best In Show Mr Mark Redler’s Ch Keitakees You Are My World, Res BIS, Best Veteran In Show Mr Colin & Miss Natsha Hickson’s Ch Kichigai Only The Lonely and Best Puppy In Show Mrs Gillian Brunt’s Zandvoort Grace’s Secret.
Judge Mhaira Aikman with Best Dog and Best Veteran Dog Mr Colin & Miss Natsha Hickson’s Ch Kichigai Only The Lonely, Res Best Dog
Mr David Peck’s Ch Keitakees To Love Somebody At Byquy and Best Puppy Dog Mr Steve & Mrs Sisi Gardner’s Devonia’s Love Wil Find a Way For Manzankees.
Judge Mhaira Aikman with Best Bitch Mr Mark Redler’s Ch Keitakees You Are My World, Reserve Best Bitch and Best Veteran Bitch Mrs V and Mr S Marshall’s Torrikees Made In Heaven At Devonia and Best Puppy Bitch Gillian Brunt’s Zandvoort Grace’s Secret.