SPECIALS Mr Richard Morris (Lascoed)
CLASS A – 6/2
1st Zandvoort Up an Purrsonal (AI)
2nd SyarykAphrodite At Valindale
3rd Neradmik Pocketful of Miracles to Skydust
Res Ednaaron Moon Light
CLASS B – 5/4
1st Torrikees Made in Heaven at Devonia
2nd Byquy Kinky Boots at Keitakees
3rd Lilli Marlina
Res Buchkeees Love in the Mist
1st Zandvoort Purrsonal Life (AI)
2nd Kichigai Only the Lonely
3rd Keitakees Asleep in The Back
Res Amikirs Amour
Main Show Judge Mr Bert Easdon (Yakee)
Best Of Breed: Zandvoort Up An Purrsonal (Ai)
Best Dog: Zandvoort Up An Purrsonal (Ai)
Res. Best Dog: Zandvoort Purrsonal Life (Ai)
Best Bitch: Ch Neradmik Vanilla Ice Morvania
Res. Best Bitch: Wolfswinkel Maria Ogren At Leazehond (Ai)
Best Puppy: Zandvoort Up An Purrsonal (Ai)
Best Veteran: Helkeesen Surfin At Dakaraikees
Minor Puppy Dog – 1
1st: Pattison’s Serenaubach Full Of Wonder
Puppy Dog – 2
1st : Brunt’s Zandvoort Up An Purrsonal (Ai)
2nd : Pattison’s Serenaubach Full Of Wonder
Junior Dog – 2
1st : Lush’s Ednaaron Moon Light
2nd : Wilkin’s Whizzkees Opal Solomon
Special Yearling Dog – No Entries
Novice Dog – No Entries
Post Graduate Dog – 1
1st: Wilkin’s Whizzkees Onyx Samson
Limit Dog – 3, 1ab
1st : Brunt’s Zandvoort Purrsonal Life (Ai)
2nd : Christopher’s Neradmik Canache For Bisukees
Open Dog – 3
1st : Bennett’s Byquy Rich Gent
2nd : Newman’s Leazehond Lightning Bolt
3rd : Hickson’s Kichigai Only The Lonley
Veteran Dog – 3
1st : Wilkes’ Helkeesen Surfin At Dakaraikees Bvis
2nd : Bennett’s Zandvoort Dream Stone
3rd : Lush’s Buchkees Love In The Mist
Breeder’s Dog – 4
1st : Brunt’s Zandvoort Mr Bond
2nd : Newman’s Leazehond Lightning Bolt
3rd : Lush’s Ednaaron Moon Light
Res : Hill’s Plymkees Cool Dude Shcm
Not Bred By Exhibitor Dog – 2, 1ab
1st : Lush’s Buchkees Love In A Mist
Minor Puppy Bitch – No Entries
Puppy Bitch – 1
1st : Gregory’s Amikirs Doubly Delicious (Ai)
Junior Bitch – 3
1st : Shultz’s Neradmik Pocketful Of Miracles For Skydust (Imp Can)
2nd : Matthews’ Szaryk Aphrodite At Valindale
3rd : Wilkin’s Whizzkees Opal Suzie
Special Yearling Bitch – 3, 1ab
1st : Saunders’ Liefkees Adina
2nd : Hill’s Whizzkees Opal Solitaire
Novice Bitch – 1
1st : Gregory’s Amikirs Doubly Delicious (Ai)
Post Graduate Bitch – 2
1st : Newman’s Leazehond Prairie Flower
2nd : Axford’s Lilli Marlina
Limit Bitch – 6
1st : Newman’s Wolfswinkel Maria Ogren At Leazehond (Ai)
2nd : Redler & Wheatley’s Byquy Kinky Boots At Keitakees
3rd : Wilkin’s Whizzkees Ebony Sinders
4th : Wilkes’ Dakaraikees Silver Charm
5th : Henman & Collin’s Allforus Tangfastic Foxifayre (Ai)
Open Bitch – 3
1st : White’s Ch Neradmik Vanilla Ice Morvania
2nd : Wilson’s Gallowtree Tassel
3rd : Redler & Wheatley’s Keitakees Asleep In The Back
Veteran Bitch – 4, 2ab
1st : Saunders’ Liefkees Annabel
2nd : Harding’s Amikirs Amour
Breeder’s Bitch – 1
1st : Newman’s Leazehond Prairie Flower
Not Bred By Exhibitor Bitch – 4
1st : Newman’s Wolfswinkel Maria Ogren At Leazehond (Ai)
2nd : Wilkin’s Whizzkees Ebony Silver
3rd : Axford’s Lilli Marlina
4th : Harding’s Amikirs Amour
Brace -1
1st : Saunders

1) Pattison’s Serenaubach Full of Wonder – 8 ½ month well grown masculine puppy. Super head and expression, quality coat of good colours and markings. Level top line, high tail set. Well bodied. Front needs to tighten.
1) Brunt’s Zandvoort Up An Perrsonal (AI) – Outstanding puppy dog. Very mature for age both in body and coat. Ideal spectacles, harsh, well groomed coat. Straight front, tight feet. Short and compact, high tail set. Super mover. Best Puppy and Best in Show.
2) Serenaubach Full of Wonder
1) Lush’s Ednaaron Moon Light – Masculine dog. Clear colours and markings. Harsh coat, well bodied, level top line, good bone, high tail set.
2) Wilkin’s Whizzkees Opal Solomon – Super head and expression. Short and compact, high tail set. Correct eye and expression. Lack the body and bone of 1 and coat colour could have been better.
1) Wilkin’s Whizzkees Onyx Sampson – Ideal size, masculine. Feet turn out. Cat like feet. Harsh coat, eye shape could be better. Short and compact, well sprung ribs. Tail set could improve. Sound mover.
LIMIT DOG (3 -1)
1) Brunt’s Zandvoort Purrsonal Life (AI) – Short and compact, well balanced dog. 3 years. Dark medium sized almond eye. Good spectacles, clear colours. Harsh coat. High tail set. Well muscled. Free easy mover. Reserve Best Dog.
2) Christopher’s Neradmik Canache at Bisukees – Masculine appearance, super markings and . Harsh well presented coat with super ruff. Well sprung ribs. More rangy than 1 so lacked the compact appearance.
1) Bennett’s Byquy Rich Gent – 4 years. Well bodied, short and compact, well balanced. Cat feet, harsh jacket, high tail set, level top line. Well curled tail with black tip. Small, well placed ears. Sound mover.
2) Newman’s Leazehond Lightning Bolt – Sound, steady mover. Harsh coat, level top line, slightly weak pasterns. Not as compact as 1.
3) Hickson’s Kichigai Only the Lonely.
1) Wilkes Helkeesen Surfin at Dakaraikees – 9 years in super condition. Well balanced, pleasing outline. Short and compact. Tight feet. Super coat with correct markings. Straight front, tight feet. Sound steady mover. Best Veteran in Show
2) Bennett’s Zandvoort Dream Stone – Super type. Ideal markimgs, well presented. Tight feet, high tail set, well placed ears. Almond eye with spectacles. Harsh coat.
3) Lush’s Buchkees Love in the Mist – Ideal head and expression with harsh coat. Lacks the distinctive markings and could be more compact.
1) Brunt’s Zandvoort Mr Bond – Short and compact, well balanced, pleasing out line. Harsh coat, well marked. Good spectacles. Super type. Toes in slightly in front.
2) Leazehond Lightning Bolt
3) Ednaaron Moon Light
1) Buchkees Love in the Mist
1) Gregory’s Amikirs Dubly Delicious (AI) – Top quality, 9 months old, well grown, well balanced, super outline. The best of coats both in colour, markings and texture. Expressive eyes. Uses her ears at all times. Moved well. Best Puppy Bitch. Reserve Best Puppy in Show
1) Schulz’s Neradmik Pocketful of Miracles to Skydust – Ideal size, well presented, well balanced, superbly turned out. Ideal head and expression. Well bodied. Super colours and textured coat. Front movement let her down.
2) Matthews’ Szaryk Aphrodite at Valindale – Smaller than 1. Well balanced. Please head and expression. High tail set, level top line, cat feet. Front movement could be better. Coat colour could be better.
3) Wilkin’s Whizzkees Opal Suzie – Harsh coat, cat feet, well bodied, level top line. Rangier that 1 and 2 and front movement could be better.
1) Saunders’ Liefkees Adina – 17 months. Very good mover. Harsh jacket, distinctive markings. Well balanced, super outline. High tail set, feminine head and expression. Ideal size. Quality bitch.
2) Hill’s Whizzkees Opal Solitare for Plymkees
1) Amikirs Dubly Delicious
1) Newman’s Leazehond Prairie Flower – Larger type of bitch. Super body and substance. Good bone. Quality coat with distinctive markings. High tail set. Level top line. Moved and showed well.
2) Axford’s Lilli Marlina – Smaller than 1 and somewhat finer which did not help with her lack of undercoat. Feet could be better. Harsh jacket. Movement could be better.
1) Newman’s Wolfswinkel Maria Ogren at Leazehond (AI) Well balanced, quality bitch. Feminine head and expression, neat ears, correct stop. Short and compact. Cat Feet. Harsh coat, high tail set, level top line. Well sprung ribs. Good mover. Reserve Best Bitch.
2) Redler & Wheatley’s Byquy Kinky Boots at Keitakees – Another quality bitch. Harsh coat, well defined markings. Feminine head and expression. Short and compact, high tail set would improve. Moved well.
3) Wilkin’s Whizzkees Ebony Sinders JW – Harsh coat, well defined markings. Good bone, Level top line. Slightly rangy in appearance and could be more compact.
1) White’s Neradmik Vanilla Ice Morvania – Well balanced, super mover. Short and compact. Well ribbed body. Feminine head and expression. Small, well placed ears. Colours and markings good. Harsh, well presented coat with high tail set. Best Bitch. Reserve Best in Show & BOS in Show
2) Wilson’s Gallowtree Tassel – I thought that this would be my winner with ex. coat and marking. Super profile, movement and excellent top line. Quality all through. Slightly rangier than 1 and not so good in front as 1.
3) Redler & Wheatley’s Keitakees Asleep in the Back. Ideal size, Well ribbed. Harsh coat. Feminine head and expression. Tail carriage and front movement could be better.
1) Saunders’ Liefkees Annabell – In super condition for age, being nearly 9. Ideal size, well balanced, high tail set, quality bone. Super coat both in texture and colour. Sound steady mover.
2) Harding’s Amikirs Amour – Slightly portly 10 ½ year old. Good coat, harsh texture, correct colours, level top line, high tail set, quality bone. Feet and pasterns are not her fortune and lacked the freedom of movement of 1.
1) Leazehond Prairie Flower
1) Wolfswinkel Maria Ogren at Leazehond (AI)
2) Hill’s Whizzkees Ebony Silver for Plymkees JW – Larger than 1 and not so feminine. Harsh jacket. Well bodied. Tight feet, Level top line. Slightly weak in pasterns.
3) Axford’s Lilli Marlina
The Keeshond Club – Special Classes – Judge Richard Morris (Lascoed)
I greatly enjoyed the privilege of judging the special award classes at the January Open show. My first breed classes were an excellent learning experience and I thank the Club for the kindness, help and advice I received on the day. My special thanks to my stewards and my mentor.
SY (6,2)
- Brunt – Zandvoort Up An Purrsonal (Ai)
Eleven months dog of correct grey/black colour, good breed type, compact and squarely built presented in good coat and well bodied condition with developing muscling throughout. Dark mask, pleasing wedge shaped head with spectacles forming and alert expression, dark coloured eyes well set and shaped. Ears well set if slightly large, super high set double curl tail and nicely developing trousers. The soundest mover on the day in the class.
- Matthews – Szaryk Aphrodite At Valindale
Thirteen months bitch slightly on the smaller size with room to grow on very compact and sturdily built, strong hindquarters squarely stood. Rather excited and unsettled initial which effected her expression as her eyes appeared rather full and I would like to see her again as her head strengthens. Neat well shaped small ears, developing spectacles in evidence, typical double curl to high set tail. Presented in attractive coat well textured and coloured, moved in a brisk, determined, light-footed manner particularly at the rear.
- Schultz – Neradmik Pocketful Of Miracles To Stardust
Seventeen months bitch pushed the second place hard, very compact, squarely made but for an older bitch not carrying quite the body condition and spring of ribcage of the class winners. Attractive light grey/black colour of correct texture with clearly defined spectacles, pleasing alert breed expression eyes well shaped and set, dark in colour. Not so positive on the move as those above on the day needing to tighten in front in my opinion but a young bitch with many notable breed points.
SL (5,1)
- Marshall – Torrikees Made In Heaven At Devonia
A compact bitch rising three years old well balanced standing and moving pleasing for breed type and outline. Keen, alert expression, ears set correctly well spaced if slightly large for me. Level topline, well sprung ribcage, well muscled hindquarters correctly angulated with strong second thighs. Possessed the best tail in the class double curled and tightly held close and reasonable well set. Attractively marked overall with distinctive spectacles and for me the soundest moving exhibit in the class on the day.
- Redler & Wheatley – Byquy Kinky Boots At Keitakees
A bitch rising three years old presented in attractive well textured coat and firm, well bodied condition carrying a fuller ruff than the winner with well defined spectacles on show. I personally would prefer a little more length of muzzle to produce the appearance of a more balanced wedge shaped head. Not the biggest of bitches but
well boned for her size lacking the angulation of the winner with hocks appearing slightly turned in on the day but still moved in a brisk manner.
- Axford – Lilli Marlina
Two years two months bitch an attractive old fashioned type not quite carrying the fullness of undercoat at present. Compact, good type with dark well coloured coat, bright alert expression, dark eye colour, eyes well shaped and set if rather small for me, typical spectacles on show. Somewhat finer overall in build than those above her today and tail tending to hang a little loose on times though the outline on all three bitches would benefit from possessing slightly higher tail sets.
SO (4,0)
- Brunt – Zandvoort Purrsonal Life (Ai)
Four years two months dog impressive breed outline very compact and well up to size, tail held high and lying close to his expansive ruff. Confident and sturdy in attitude and build super wedge shaped head dark eye colour and the best of small well textured ears set just the right distance apart without forward projection. Masculine head and alert, focused expression, head proportions very well balanced with good length of muzzle and strong under-jaw, spectacles clearly defined. Short coupled body with neat tuck up coat not to excess but would personally prefer a stronger presence of black/grey colouring overall though lovely harsh texture to topcoat. Moved very soundly, positively and smartly in a determined, brisk and distinctively light-footed manner with head held well and excellent double curled tail carried high set and tight to the back. The best exhibit I judged on the day for breed presence and movement.
- Hickson – Kichigai Only The Lonely
Three and a half years old dog most typical and possessing a coat colour I preferred to that of the winner also carrying a lovely full ruff and well textured topcoat though more abundance of coat than the winner. Well balanced head with distinct spectacles on show and excellent intelligent expression, defined stop, dark masking and eye colour, ears well placed, sized and erect. Moved soundly though not as tight in action as the first placed dog, tail rather short and not totally settled today in the ring. Compact and well bodied, attractive breed outline an impressive dog standing with some excellent breed virtues.
- Redler & Wheatley – Keitakees Asleep In The Back
Four years four months bitch longer in body which I allowed for in a bitch so not quite promoting the compact outline of those above her. Finer overall representing an old fashioned type coat colour of excellent darkgrey/black mix with distinctive shoulder markings perhaps could have been in fuller undercoat on the day and not quite the bone of the winners but carrying lovely well bodied substance and well muscled hindquarters. Typical wedge-shaped head and stop, keen, alert expression from well set, shaped and coloured dark eyes though ears tending to the larger size and for me rather pointed. Moved briskly with poise a bitch with much to admire.
Judge – Richard Morris (Lascoed)